CWD was previously managed by the Local Government Unit of then Municipality of Carcar under the name Carcar Waterworks System. On February 12, 1980, Carcar Waterworks System was turned over to CWD through SB Resolution No. 15, Series of 1980.
On May 30, 1980 CWD was created pursuant to the provisions of PD 198, as amended, and was conferred with CCC No. 117 by the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA).
Date Founded: February 12, 1980
Conditional Certificate of Conformance No. : 117
Water District Category: Category B
A government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) created under PD 198 commonly known as the Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973. Its purpose is to acquire, install, improve, maintain and operate water supply and distribution system for domestic, commercial, industrial, and municipal uses for residents within the boundaries of the City of Carcar, Cebu.
CWD is headed and managed by its general manager, a department manager and four division managers. The policy making authority of the water district is vested with the five-member Board of Directors, each representing the sectors on Business, Education, Civic, Professional and Women.
Unlike Local Government Units, CWD does not enjoy government subsidy or allocation. Its funds are sourced internally and on loans from LWUA and other financial institutions.
The Board of Directors (BOD) The BOD exercises and performs all the powers, privileges and duties of the Water District through the establishment of policies.
The General Manager (GM) The GM of the Water District has the full supervision and control of the operation and maintenance of the water district facilities and has the power to appoint all personnel of the water district.
Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA)
National Water Resource Board (NWRB)
Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
Civil Service Commission (CSC)
Commission on Audit (COA)
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
vision & mission statements

quality policy:
Fully committed to fulfill the task of providing the highest quality of potable WATER and best value of SERVICES to Carcar City, CARCAR WATER DISTRICT commits to relentlessly improve our Quality Management System and comply with all regulatory and statutory requirements through:
S-killed and professional employees
E-fficient and safe water production
R-eliable transmission and distribution lines
V-iable financial resources
I-ntegrity in performance of duties
C-lean work facilities
E-nvironment conscientiousness
S-ervice with a SMILE
Poblacion I | Bolinawan | Can-asujan |
Poblacion II | Ocaña | Napo |
Poblacion III | Tuyom | Guadalupe |
Liburon | Calidngan | Buenavista |
Perrelos | Valladolid | Valencia |
Application for New Water Service Connection
Re-opening of Service Connection
Attending Complaints/ Requests